Normal or slight forgetfulness
1. Need a few minutes to remember where you have parked your car
2. Momentarily forget the name of somebody or something
3. Forget to return a phone call (or reply to an e-mail or sms)
4. Can’t find something which you have just put away
5. Forget something trivial that a friend told you 2 days ago
Moderate forgetfulness
1. Forget the name of someone close to you
2. Misplace things, or forget to remove the keys after unlocking a door
3. Do not recognize faces
4. Repeat questions you have just asked
5. Change in personality
Serious forgetfulness
1. Pour yourself a cup of tea, not realizing that you already have one
2. Forget your grandchild’s name, but memory of your own childhood remains vivid
3. Don’t know how to do household chores, such as washing dishes
4. Confused about relationships of family members
5. Problems making simple judgment, e.g. put on thick clothing on a hot day
6. Don’t recognize family members
So, don’t worry if your memory lapses are confined to those listed under normal or slight forgetfulness! Be happy……J